34m²? Vraiment?
Vous regardez les photos de ces combles aménagés en studio dans une grande ville suédoise et je vois vos yeux s'écarquiller...oui, vous qui vous cognez contre les murs de votre appartement trop petit et qui vous dites : "ah là, c'est le rêve!" et bien oui, cet appartement plein de charme ne fait que 34m²! L'impression d'espace est obtenue par un aménagement laissant la vedette au blanc, aux meubles simples mais plein de caractère et aux rangements astucieux. Inspirez vous!
34m ²? Really?
You look at the pictures of these attic studio in a large Swedish city and I see your eyes widen ... yes, you who bump against the walls of your too small apartment and there you say, "ah it's the dream! " but yes, this charming apartment is only 34m ²! The sense of space is achieved by an arrangement leaving the show from white, with simple but full of character furniture and clever storage. Get inspired!
source : Stadshem
34m ²? Really?
You look at the pictures of these attic studio in a large Swedish city and I see your eyes widen ... yes, you who bump against the walls of your too small apartment and there you say, "ah it's the dream! " but yes, this charming apartment is only 34m ²! The sense of space is achieved by an arrangement leaving the show from white, with simple but full of character furniture and clever storage. Get inspired!
source : Stadshem