Nostalgie suédoise
Lorsque Christina a acheté cette maison construite en 1925, elle voulait tout repeindre en blanc, mais elle a fini par garder les papiers peints et les peintures usés par le temps comme un témoignage du passé, pour sauvegarder l'âme et le charme particulier de la vieille bâtisse.
Swedish nostalgia
When Christina bought this house built in 1925, she wanted to paint everything white, but she ended up keeping the worn by time wallpapers and paints as a testimony of the past, to save the soul and charm of the old building.
source : Klikk
Swedish nostalgia
When Christina bought this house built in 1925, she wanted to paint everything white, but she ended up keeping the worn by time wallpapers and paints as a testimony of the past, to save the soul and charm of the old building.
source : Klikk