Un espace arty et bohème
C'est de nouveau un appartement totalement personnalisé que nous présente l'agence immobilière Fantastic Frank, passée maître dans la mise en scène des intérieurs de charme. Tissus d'ailleurs, trouvailles sur les marchés aux puces, doux mélange d'éléments n'ayant pas de rapport entre eux mais qui ont réussi à s'apprivoiser, nous voici partis loin de la Suède, et pourtant au centre de Stockholm la belle.
An arty and bohemian interior
This is again a totally customized apartment presented by the real estate agent Fantastic Frank, past master in charming interiors staging. Faraway fabrics, flea markets finds, sweet mixture of elements with no relation between them but which have succeed to tame, here we are far from Sweden, and however in the center of the beautiful Stockholm .
source : Fantastic Frank
An arty and bohemian interior
This is again a totally customized apartment presented by the real estate agent Fantastic Frank, past master in charming interiors staging. Faraway fabrics, flea markets finds, sweet mixture of elements with no relation between them but which have succeed to tame, here we are far from Sweden, and however in the center of the beautiful Stockholm .
source : Fantastic Frank