Les petites surfaces du jour : un intérieur couleur automne
Dans ce deux pièces de 53m², c'est un univers brun très doux qui a pris le pouvoir, jusque sur le balcon, où les lumières rasantes d'automne chassent déjà le triomphant été...
Small areas of the day: an interior in autumn color
In this 53m² two-rooms apartment , it's a very soft brown universe tookwhich take power, onto the balcony, where the autumnal grazing lights have already chased the triumphant summer...
source :Stadshem
Small areas of the day: an interior in autumn color
In this 53m² two-rooms apartment , it's a very soft brown universe tookwhich take power, onto the balcony, where the autumnal grazing lights have already chased the triumphant summer...
source :Stadshem