Costume victorien sur mesure
Retour en 1850, cet appartement se situe à Nile Street, Londres, dans une ancienne usine de costumes de l'époque victorienne, Abandonnée, elle revit depuis 8 ans, grâce à ses propriétaires. Le mobilier contemporain se mêle aux briques apparentes et comble du plaisir, vous pourrez louer ce loft pour de courts séjours dans la capitale britannique puisque c'est l'un des biens présentés par Onefinestay.
Tailored Victorian suit
Back in 1850, -this apartment located in Nile Street, London in a former costume factory, of Victorian period. Derelict eight years ago, it relives thanks to its owners. Contemporary furniture mingles with exposed brickwork. and height of pleasure you can rent this loft for short stays in the British capital as it is one of the properties presented by Onefinestay.
source : One Fine Stay
Tailored Victorian suit
Back in 1850, -this apartment located in Nile Street, London in a former costume factory, of Victorian period. Derelict eight years ago, it relives thanks to its owners. Contemporary furniture mingles with exposed brickwork. and height of pleasure you can rent this loft for short stays in the British capital as it is one of the properties presented by Onefinestay.
source : One Fine Stay