65m² en noir et blanc
On a beau chercher pièce après pièce, c'est un univers uniquement fait de l'opposition entre le noir et le blanc qui nous accueille dans cet appartement un peu biscornu situé dans un immeuble romantique construit en 1905. Une cheminée en faïence ajoute du charme et de la chaleur à un espace qui est un concentré de décoration intérieure actuelle.
65m² in black and white
It looks in vain room by room, it is a universe only makes of the contrast between black and white that welcomes us into this a bit quirky apartment located in a romantic building constructed in 1905. A tiled fireplace adds charm and heat to a space that is a concentrate of present interior design.
source : 55kvadrat
65m² in black and white
It looks in vain room by room, it is a universe only makes of the contrast between black and white that welcomes us into this a bit quirky apartment located in a romantic building constructed in 1905. A tiled fireplace adds charm and heat to a space that is a concentrate of present interior design.
source : 55kvadrat