Les petites surfaces du jour : une pointe de piment
Toute la décoration de ce deux pièces de 47m² est déclinée sur une base neutre, oscillant entre le blanc, les bruns et le gris. Mais dans le salon, un Eames rouge vient relever l'espace comme une pointe de piment le ferait dans un plat délicieux mais sans surprise. Photos : Jonas Berg
Small areas of the day: a touch of chili
All the decoration of this 47m² one bedroom flat is declined on a neutral basis, ranging from white, brown and gray. But in the living room, a red Eames comes up space as a touch of chili added in a delicious but not surprising dish. Photo: Jonas Berg
source : Stadshem
Small areas of the day: a touch of chili
All the decoration of this 47m² one bedroom flat is declined on a neutral basis, ranging from white, brown and gray. But in the living room, a red Eames comes up space as a touch of chili added in a delicious but not surprising dish. Photo: Jonas Berg
source : Stadshem