Style scandinave à St Petersbourg
C'est le cabinet d'architecte INT2 de St Petersbourg qui s'est chargé du projet d'aménagement de cet appartement à la simplicité et aux couleurs scandinaves. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'un projet en 3D, je le trouve suffisamment inspirant et bien réalisé pour avoir envie de le mettre sur le blog.
Scandinavian style in St Petersburg
It is the architectural firm INT2 in St Petersburg who took the development of this apartment in charge, in simplicity and Scandinavian colors. Although this is a project in 3D, I find it enough inspiring and well done to want to post it on the blog.
Scandinavian style in St Petersburg
It is the architectural firm INT2 in St Petersburg who took the development of this apartment in charge, in simplicity and Scandinavian colors. Although this is a project in 3D, I find it enough inspiring and well done to want to post it on the blog.