Graphisme familial
C'est un appartement familial avec deux chambres, au graphisme noir et blanc classique mais toujours raffiné. L'intérêt du lieu, outre sa décoration, réside dans son plan : ici aucune perte de place due aux couloirs, toutes les pièces donnent sur le salon, évitant de gaspiller de précieux mètres carrés.
Familial graphism
This is a family apartment with two bedrooms, in classic black and white graphims but still refined. The interest of the place, besides its decoration, lies in its ground plan: here no loss of space due to hallways, all rooms open onto the living room, not wasting precious square meters.
Familial graphism
This is a family apartment with two bedrooms, in classic black and white graphims but still refined. The interest of the place, besides its decoration, lies in its ground plan: here no loss of space due to hallways, all rooms open onto the living room, not wasting precious square meters.