Du bleu pour rêver
Décidément, c'est très souvent que les photos mises en ligne par VT Wonen nous ravissent . Ici, l'inspiration bleue à travers les pièces, nous fait rêver d'un printemps qui s'installe enfin. Photos : Alexander van Berge - Styling : Cleo Scheulderman
Some blue for dreaming
Undoubtedly , it's very often that the photos posted by VT Wonen delight us. Here, the blue inspiration through the rooms, make us dream of a spring which has finally settled. Photos: Alexander van Berge - Styling: Cleo Scheulderman
Some blue for dreaming
Undoubtedly , it's very often that the photos posted by VT Wonen delight us. Here, the blue inspiration through the rooms, make us dream of a spring which has finally settled. Photos: Alexander van Berge - Styling: Cleo Scheulderman