Le charme de la récup
Ce sont les éléments anciens, posés ça et là, qui font le charme de cette déco, qui sans eux serait sans âme. Une vieille planche posée sur des tréteaux, le fauteuil jaune de la grand-mère, une machine à coudre sans âge, et voici le charme de la récup qui agit.
Recycling charm
These are the old elements, placed here and there that make the charm of this decoration, which without them would be soulless. An old plank laid on trestles, grandmother's yellow armchair, an ageless sewing machine, and this is the Recycling charm that acting.
Recycling charm
These are the old elements, placed here and there that make the charm of this decoration, which without them would be soulless. An old plank laid on trestles, grandmother's yellow armchair, an ageless sewing machine, and this is the Recycling charm that acting.