Ethnique chic dans le jardin
Le style ethnique chic ne se cantonne pas à l'intérieur de la maison, il est à l'aise partout, dans le jardin, dans un jardin d'hiver style orangerie, et ses couleurs chaudes font se rencontrer Bali, Ibiza et Marrakech pour le plus chaleureux (et beau) des mélanges. Mon petit coup de coeur? La douche en bois extérieure...une pure merveille.
Styling : Cleo Scheulderman | Photos : Alexander van Berge pour VT Wonen
Ethnic chic in the garden
The ethnic chic style is not confined to the house interior, it's at home anywhere in the garden, in a winter garden in orangery style, and warm colors make meet Bali, Ibiza and Marrakech for a succesfull mixture (and beautiful). My little crush? The outdoor wood shower ... a marvel. Styling: Cleo Scheulderman | Photos: Alexander van Berge for VT Wonen
Styling : Cleo Scheulderman | Photos : Alexander van Berge pour VT Wonen
Ethnic chic in the garden
The ethnic chic style is not confined to the house interior, it's at home anywhere in the garden, in a winter garden in orangery style, and warm colors make meet Bali, Ibiza and Marrakech for a succesfull mixture (and beautiful). My little crush? The outdoor wood shower ... a marvel. Styling: Cleo Scheulderman | Photos: Alexander van Berge for VT Wonen