L'art de tirer parti des défauts
Le défaut principal de cet appartement récupéré sous les combles, est sans doute comme on pourrait le penser, la présence de poutres qu'il n'est pas possible d'ôter sans atteindre à la structure même de l'immeuble. Ces témoignages d'un passé charpentier, divisent en plusieurs zones la grande pièce de vie de cet immense deux pièces, à la manière de cloisons ouvertes. Pourtant ce sont elles qui font tout le charme de cet espace pas comme les autres, avec leur bois ancien, et plutôt que de se lamenter, les propriétaires de l'appartement ont su tirer le meilleur parti de cet élément, qui semblait à première vue, être un défaut.
The art of take advantage of defects
The main defect of this apartment recovered in the attic, is probably as you could think, the presence of beams that it's not possible to remove without attempting against the building structure. These testimonies of a carpenter past, divide into several zones the large living room of this huge one-bedroom, like open partitions. However it's these beams who make all the charm of this space like no other, with their old wood, and instead of lamenting, the apartment owners were able to make the most of this element, which seemed at first sight be a default.
The art of take advantage of defects
The main defect of this apartment recovered in the attic, is probably as you could think, the presence of beams that it's not possible to remove without attempting against the building structure. These testimonies of a carpenter past, divide into several zones the large living room of this huge one-bedroom, like open partitions. However it's these beams who make all the charm of this space like no other, with their old wood, and instead of lamenting, the apartment owners were able to make the most of this element, which seemed at first sight be a default.