Noël c'est dans trois mois (déjà)
Il n'est pas bien difficile de se souvenir en ce premier jour d'automne, que le temps passe vite et que Noël c'est déjà dans trois mois. Bien sur, je ne veux pas vous faire vieillir plus vite en vous présentant des photos, tirées du catalogue Noël d'IB Laursen, mais savez vous quel est l'un des articles qui a le plus de succès en ce moment sur le blog? Il s'appelle DIY de Noël ! La preuve que pour certains, il est déjà temps d'y penser (mais promis je ne vais pas vous en parler tous les jours avant le mois de novembre).
Christmas is in three months (already)
It's not difficult to remember on this first fall day, that time flies and Christmas is already in three months. Of course, I have no intention to age you faster by showing these pictures, taken from the Christmas catalog IB Laursen, but do you know what is one of the post that has the most success at the moment on the blog? It's called DIY Christmas ! Evidence that for some it's already time to think about it (but I promise I won't tell you about it every day before November).
Christmas is in three months (already)
It's not difficult to remember on this first fall day, that time flies and Christmas is already in three months. Of course, I have no intention to age you faster by showing these pictures, taken from the Christmas catalog IB Laursen, but do you know what is one of the post that has the most success at the moment on the blog? It's called DIY Christmas ! Evidence that for some it's already time to think about it (but I promise I won't tell you about it every day before November).