Un look scandinave et bohème
C'est Historiska qui nous présente ce deux pièces au look scandinave et bohème qui joue à la fois sur les matières naturelles, mais également sur les coloris sobres qui sont la marque de fabrique de ce style décoratif, décliné sous toutes ses formes. Les textiles apportent à la fois la douceur, et la vie dans cet appartement à la douce lumière d'automne. Photos : Spinnel Styling : Copparstad
Scandinavian and bohemian look
It's Historiska which presents us this one bedroom flat to the Scandinavian and bohemian look that plays on both natural materials, but also on the sober colors that are this decorative style signature, available in all its forms. Textiles provide both softness and life in this apartment in soft autumn light. Photos: Spinnel Styling: Copparstad
Scandinavian and bohemian look
It's Historiska which presents us this one bedroom flat to the Scandinavian and bohemian look that plays on both natural materials, but also on the sober colors that are this decorative style signature, available in all its forms. Textiles provide both softness and life in this apartment in soft autumn light. Photos: Spinnel Styling: Copparstad