Un appartement cosmopolite en Suède
Canapé anglais, chaises françaises, tapis marocain, volumes scandinaves, voici un appartement situé en Suède, qui résume à lui seul le style cosmopolite, où l'on choisit de mélanger entre eux, le meilleur du mobilier et de la décoration mondiale.
A cosmopolitan apartment in Sweden
English sofa, French chairs, Moroccan rug, Scandinavian volumes, here is an apartment located in Sweden, which epitomizes the cosmopolitan style, where you choose to mix the world best furniture and design.
A cosmopolitan apartment in Sweden
English sofa, French chairs, Moroccan rug, Scandinavian volumes, here is an apartment located in Sweden, which epitomizes the cosmopolitan style, where you choose to mix the world best furniture and design.