Un appartement en duplex dans une ancienne école
J'ai déjà eu l'occasion de vous présenter un appartement situé dans une ancienne école pharmaceutique ICI, celui ci est légèrement différent, plus petit, bien qu'il reprenne les codes d'usage dans l'aménagement de cet immeuble. Les photos donnent toujours envie d'en voir plus. Je me pose tout de même la question du côté pratique de l'arrosage des plantes vertes au quotidien, quand on les place à une telle hauteur...
A duplex apartment in a former school
I have already had occasion to present an apartment located in this former pharmaceutical school HERE, this one is slightly different, smaller, although it has the same style for the decorative choices in this building. The pictures give always want to see more. I wonder still the question of the practical side for watering plants in everyday life, when placed in such a height ...
A duplex apartment in a former school
I have already had occasion to present an apartment located in this former pharmaceutical school HERE, this one is slightly different, smaller, although it has the same style for the decorative choices in this building. The pictures give always want to see more. I wonder still the question of the practical side for watering plants in everyday life, when placed in such a height ...