Un salon en rotonde
Lorsqu'on pénètre dans cet appartement, ce n'est pas sa surface de moins de 40m² qui interpelle, mais plutôt son salon et ses fenêtres inscrites dans une rotonde, qui rend plus difficile l'aménagement. Ici, on a décidé pour meubler cet espace, de ne pas coller le canapé au mur, mais de le détacher de celui-ci, et de faire le contrepoint de cette forme inhabituelle en choisissant du mobilier aux lignes droites et pures.
A living room in rotunda
When you enter this apartment, it's not its surface of less than 40m ² that catches your attention, but rather its living room and its windows installed in a rotunda, which makes it more difficult to equip. Here, it has been decided to furnish this space, not to stick the sofa to the wall, but to detach it from this one, and to make the counterpoint of this unusual shape by choosing furniture with straight and pure lines.
A living room in rotunda
When you enter this apartment, it's not its surface of less than 40m ² that catches your attention, but rather its living room and its windows installed in a rotunda, which makes it more difficult to equip. Here, it has been decided to furnish this space, not to stick the sofa to the wall, but to detach it from this one, and to make the counterpoint of this unusual shape by choosing furniture with straight and pure lines.