Un studio au naturel
Les matériaux naturels comme la laine et le rotin ont pris leur place dans ce studio sous combles au charme indéniable. Ils apportent le style organique si actuel, et ici, ces matières mariées aux poutres donnent un esprit cocon idéal à ce petit appartement.
A natural studio flat
Natural materials such as wool and rattan have taken their place in this studio under roof with an undeniable charm. They bring it the so trendy organic styley, and here, these materials married to beams give an ideal cocoon spirit to this small apartment.
A natural studio flat
Natural materials such as wool and rattan have taken their place in this studio under roof with an undeniable charm. They bring it the so trendy organic styley, and here, these materials married to beams give an ideal cocoon spirit to this small apartment.