Un deux pièces avec cuisine ouverte
Cet appartement de deux pièces situé dans un joli quartier de Göteborg, possède comme bien souvent dans les espaces contemporains, une cuisine ouverte pour augmenter la sensation de volume. Une configuration qui ne convient pas à tous, particulièrement à ceux qui cuisinent beaucoup. Avouons le, les cuisines ouvertes sont plus adaptées aux personnes qui comme moi, n'aime pas trop cuisiner. Photos : Anders Bergstedt pour Entrance.
A one-bedroom flat with an open kitchen
This one-bedroom apartment in a beautiful area of Gothenburg has, as is often the case in contemporary spaces, an open kitchen to increase the feeling of volume. A configuration that doesn't suit everyone, especially those who cook a lot. Let's face it, open kitchens are more suited to people who like me, don't like to cook too much. Photos: Anders Bergstedt for Entrance.
A one-bedroom flat with an open kitchen
This one-bedroom apartment in a beautiful area of Gothenburg has, as is often the case in contemporary spaces, an open kitchen to increase the feeling of volume. A configuration that doesn't suit everyone, especially those who cook a lot. Let's face it, open kitchens are more suited to people who like me, don't like to cook too much. Photos: Anders Bergstedt for Entrance.