Balcon avec vue
Avoir un balcon, c'est bien, mais lorsqu'en plus comme ici, il est fermé pour en profiter à l'année, et qu'il possède une vue magnifique sur l'eau, c'est encore mieux. Une décoration chaleureuse le rend accueillant, parfait pour y passer de jolis moments dans la tendance hygge danoise. N'oubliez pas que votre balcon, ce sont des mètres carrés supplémentaires à exploiter, et décorez le comme le reste de votre appartement.
Balcony with view
Having a balcony is good, but when in addition like here, it's closed to enjoy all year round, and that it has a magnificent view of the water it's even better. A warm decoration makes it welcoming, perfect to spend nice moments in the Danish trend hygge. Don4t forget that in your balcony, there are additional square meters to exploit, and decorate it like the rest of your apartment.
Balcony with view
Having a balcony is good, but when in addition like here, it's closed to enjoy all year round, and that it has a magnificent view of the water it's even better. A warm decoration makes it welcoming, perfect to spend nice moments in the Danish trend hygge. Don4t forget that in your balcony, there are additional square meters to exploit, and decorate it like the rest of your apartment.