Un loft avec roof top à Amsterdam
Ce loft exceptionnel est situé à Amsterdam, dans un bâtiment typiquement néerlandais. Le charme des poutres s'ajoute à celui des éléments plus contemporains, comme un magnifique escalier en acier qui mène droit au roof top qui permet de dominer le paysage, et les canaux de la ville.
A loft with a roof top in Amsterdam
This exceptional loft is located in Amsterdam, in a typical Dutch building. The charm of the beams is added to that of the more contemporary elements, such as a magnificent steel staircase leading to the roof top which allows to dominate the landscape and the canals of the city.
source : Broersma
A loft with a roof top in Amsterdam
This exceptional loft is located in Amsterdam, in a typical Dutch building. The charm of the beams is added to that of the more contemporary elements, such as a magnificent steel staircase leading to the roof top which allows to dominate the landscape and the canals of the city.
source : Broersma