Un sentiment de légèreté
Il flotte aussi bien dans l'air que dans cet appartement de 54m², où la décoration immaculée alliée au bois est une perfection d'équilibre, ce sentiment de légèreté qui revient dès que les jours allongent. Et comme Phil la marmotte n'a pas annoncé chez nous 6 semaines d'hiver supplémentaire, réjouissons nous du printemps qui arrive.
A feeling of lightness
It floats both in the air and in this apartment of 54m ², where the immaculate decoration combined with wood is a perfection of balance, this feeling of lightness that comes back as the days lengthen. And as Phil the groundhog has not announced to us 6 more winter weeks, let us look forward to the coming spring.
A feeling of lightness
It floats both in the air and in this apartment of 54m ², where the immaculate decoration combined with wood is a perfection of balance, this feeling of lightness that comes back as the days lengthen. And as Phil the groundhog has not announced to us 6 more winter weeks, let us look forward to the coming spring.