Carrelage vert pour appartement gris
Cela faisait longtemps que je n'avais pas été aussi séduite par un appartement présenté par Stadshem (toujours admirablement photographié par Janne Olander). Sans doute est ce du à cet inhabituel carrelage vert, qui tranche agréablement sur le gris présent un peu partout.
Green tile for gray apartment
It was a long time since I wasn't so attracted by an apartment presented by Stadshem (always admirably photographed by Janne Olander). No doubt this is due to this unusual green tile, which slices pleasantly on the gray color present everywhere.
Green tile for gray apartment
It was a long time since I wasn't so attracted by an apartment presented by Stadshem (always admirably photographed by Janne Olander). No doubt this is due to this unusual green tile, which slices pleasantly on the gray color present everywhere.