Profiter de la hauteur
Profiter de la hauteur c'est savoir exploiter un volume atypique pour installer une chambre en mezzanine,et conserver l'impression d'espace tout en isolant suffisamment son intimité (et accessoirement pouvoir ne pas faire son lit sans que cela se voit), comme dans cet appartement aux tons sombres, où une touche de rose vient apporter un peu de féminité.
To take advantage of the height
To take advantage of the height is to exploit an atypical volume to install a bedroom on the mezzanine, and to preserve the impression of space while sufficiently isolating its privacy (and sometimes not being obliged to make your bed without this is seen), as in this apartment decorated in dark tones, where a touch of pink comes to bring a little of femininity.
To take advantage of the height
To take advantage of the height is to exploit an atypical volume to install a bedroom on the mezzanine, and to preserve the impression of space while sufficiently isolating its privacy (and sometimes not being obliged to make your bed without this is seen), as in this apartment decorated in dark tones, where a touch of pink comes to bring a little of femininity.