Une maison au naturel à Ibiza
C'est le studio de design d'Ibiza Blackstad Design Consultants, et la designer d'intérieur Constanze von Unruh, qui ont été chargés de la rénovation de cette maison de vacances construite dans les années 50. La décoration est caractérisée désormais par le blanc et le naturel, sans oublier un certain chic. Photo: Andreas von Einsiedel
A home in natural style in Ibiza
It's the ibizian design studio Blackstad Design Consultants and the interior designer Constanze von Unruh that were responsible for the renovation of this holiday home built in the 1950s. The decoration is now characterized by white and natural, without forgetting a certain chic. Photo: Andreas von Einsiedel
source : Nuevo Estilo
A home in natural style in Ibiza
It's the ibizian design studio Blackstad Design Consultants and the interior designer Constanze von Unruh that were responsible for the renovation of this holiday home built in the 1950s. The decoration is now characterized by white and natural, without forgetting a certain chic. Photo: Andreas von Einsiedel
source : Nuevo Estilo