Couleurs pastel en Angleterre
Cette maison située en Angleterre, est installée dans une ancienne remise à carrioles, et si sa façade arbore une couleur rouge brique, l'intérieur est tout en couleurs pastel et douces, grâce à la décoratrice Laura Butler-Madden, qui a réalisé ici, un projet contemporain mais très fidèle à l'esprit britannique.
Pastel colors in England
This house is located in England in an old carriage shed, and if its façade features a brick red color, its interior is all in pastel and soft colors, thanks to the designer Laura Butler-Madden, who realized here a contemporary project but very faithful to the British spirit..
Pastel colors in England
This house is located in England in an old carriage shed, and if its façade features a brick red color, its interior is all in pastel and soft colors, thanks to the designer Laura Butler-Madden, who realized here a contemporary project but very faithful to the British spirit..