Le printemps 2018 arrive chez Zara Home
Vous rêvez de printemps, de légèreté et de douceur retrouvée après ces longs jours gris de pluie? La collection Zara Home "In Bloom", arrive à point nommé pour vous donner un avant-goût des jours qui allongent, des soirées sur la terrasse, grâce à une visite pièce par pièce d'une magnifique maison de campagne décorée avec son catalogue. Beaucoup de vert, du bleu, du rose, le pastel a le vent en poupe, et la nature qui renait de ses cendres est partout présente.
Spring 2018 arrives at Zara Home
Do you dream of spring, lightness and softness recovered after these long gray days of rain? Zara Home "In Bloom"collection, arrives at the right time to give you a taste of the days that are getting longer, evenings on the terrace, thanks to a room-by-room visit of a magnificent country house decorated with items of its catalogue. A lot of green, blue, pink, pastel has the wind in its sails, and nature that is reborn from its ashes is everywhere.
Spring 2018 arrives at Zara Home
Do you dream of spring, lightness and softness recovered after these long gray days of rain? Zara Home "In Bloom"collection, arrives at the right time to give you a taste of the days that are getting longer, evenings on the terrace, thanks to a room-by-room visit of a magnificent country house decorated with items of its catalogue. A lot of green, blue, pink, pastel has the wind in its sails, and nature that is reborn from its ashes is everywhere.