Un appartement en noir et blanc (et couleurs)
La designer d'intérieur Nicole Watts de Homepolish, a été chargée par le propriétaire de cet appartement aux murs blancs très neutres, de lui donner de la personnalité, tout en restant dans la sobriété masculine. C'est grâce à un mélange de noir et blanc, contrastant avec les quelques couleurs d'un tableau inspiré par Easy Rider, et d'un coussin, que le résultat a été atteint dans cet appartement situé dans le West Village de New York. Photo : Sam Litchfield
An apartment in black and white (and colors)
Homepolish interior designer Nicole Watts was entrusted by the owner of this apartment with very neutral white walls, to give it personality, while remaining in masculine sobriety. It is thanks to a mixture of black and white, contrasting with the few colors of a painting inspired by Easy Rider, and a cushion, that the result was reached in this apartment located in the West Village of New York. Photo: Sam Litchfield
An apartment in black and white (and colors)
Homepolish interior designer Nicole Watts was entrusted by the owner of this apartment with very neutral white walls, to give it personality, while remaining in masculine sobriety. It is thanks to a mixture of black and white, contrasting with the few colors of a painting inspired by Easy Rider, and a cushion, that the result was reached in this apartment located in the West Village of New York. Photo: Sam Litchfield