Un peu de fraîcheur en Suède
Voici le temps des températures élevées, et des nuits chaudes. Il est temps d'aller chercher un peu de fraîcheur en Suède, et de rêver aux soirées qui n'en finissent pas dans le nord de l'Europe, en visitant cet appartement à la décoration simple. Mais que me dit-on ? Il ne fait que 19° à Stockholm aujourd'hui? Hum, je crois que je reste dans mon Sud, aussi joli que soit la Scandinavie, c'est quand même un peu trop frais pour moi !
Little freshness in Sweden
This is the time of high temperatures, and warm nights. It's time to go get some freshness in Sweden, and dream about the evenings that never end in Northern Europe, by visiting this apartment with simple decoration. But what am I learning? It's only 19 degrees in Stockholm today? Uh, I think I'm staying in my South, as pretty as Scandinavia is, it's still a little too cool for me!
Little freshness in Sweden
This is the time of high temperatures, and warm nights. It's time to go get some freshness in Sweden, and dream about the evenings that never end in Northern Europe, by visiting this apartment with simple decoration. But what am I learning? It's only 19 degrees in Stockholm today? Uh, I think I'm staying in my South, as pretty as Scandinavia is, it's still a little too cool for me!