Un petit appartement en enfilade
Avoir des pièces en enfilade signifie qu'elles se succèdent les unes après les autres, et que vous êtes obligés de passer par la première avant d'atteindre les suivantes. Il n'y a donc pas de couloir, ce qui peut sembler un inconvénient, mais qui se révèle ici un avantage. En effet, cet appartement suédois de deux pièces, quoique d'une surface réduite, ne présente ainsi aucune perte de place, ce qui permet d'obtenir des espaces agréables qui ne semblent pas trop petits. Une décoration recherchée complète ce bel endroit, où il ne manque rien.
Small apartment with adjoining rooms
Having adjoining rooms means that they follow one after the other, and that you have to go through the first one before reaching the next ones. So there is no corridor, which may seem like a disadvantage, but here is an advantage. Indeed, this Swedish one-bedroom apartment, although of a reduced surface, doesn't present any loss of space, which makes it possible to obtain pleasant spaces which don't seem too small. A sought-after decoration completes this beautiful place, where nothing is missing.
Small apartment with adjoining rooms
Having adjoining rooms means that they follow one after the other, and that you have to go through the first one before reaching the next ones. So there is no corridor, which may seem like a disadvantage, but here is an advantage. Indeed, this Swedish one-bedroom apartment, although of a reduced surface, doesn't present any loss of space, which makes it possible to obtain pleasant spaces which don't seem too small. A sought-after decoration completes this beautiful place, where nothing is missing.