Un appartement rénové à Barcelone grâce au home staging
Sébastien Robert est spécialisé dans le Home Staging, une technique désormais bien connue pour mettre en valeur des biens à louer ou a vendre, et réduire le temps d'inoccupation des propriétés. C'est à Barcelone où s'est installé il y a six ans, qu'il a mis son talent au service d'une société immobilière qui l'a engagé comme architecte d'intérieur pour aider les clients potentiels à se projeter dans un nouvel espace. Dans cet appartement en vente depuis plusieurs mois, avec deux chambres, il a apporté confort et fraîcheur, révélant les voûtes catalanes cachées par le faux plafond. Le Home Staging est méconnu en Espagne, et Sébastien souhaite le faire connaître grâce à son travail. Je vous invite à découvrir l'ensemble de ses projets en cliquant sur ce lien, et à voir également l'état des biens avant son intervention, le résultat est bluffant ! Merci à Sébastien pour sa confiance.
Renovated apartment in Barcelona thanks to home staging
Sébastien Robert specializes in Home Staging, a technique now well known to enhance properties for rent or for sale, and reduce property vacancy time. It was in Barcelona, where he settled six years ago, that he works for a real estate company that hired him as an interior designer to help potential clients project themselves into a new space. In this apartment for sale for several months, with two bedrooms, it has brought comfort and freshness, revealing the Catalan vaults hidden by the false ceiling. Home Staging is unknown in Spain, and Sébastien wants to make it known through his work. I invite you to discover all his projects by clicking on this link, and to see also the state of the properties before his intervention, the result is amazing! Thanks to Sébastien for his confidence.
Renovated apartment in Barcelona thanks to home staging
Sébastien Robert specializes in Home Staging, a technique now well known to enhance properties for rent or for sale, and reduce property vacancy time. It was in Barcelona, where he settled six years ago, that he works for a real estate company that hired him as an interior designer to help potential clients project themselves into a new space. In this apartment for sale for several months, with two bedrooms, it has brought comfort and freshness, revealing the Catalan vaults hidden by the false ceiling. Home Staging is unknown in Spain, and Sébastien wants to make it known through his work. I invite you to discover all his projects by clicking on this link, and to see also the state of the properties before his intervention, the result is amazing! Thanks to Sébastien for his confidence.