Un appartement en tons neutres et récup en Argentine
Virginia, créatrice du site Aires de Bohemia, a appliqué chez elle les principes du recyclage de mobilier et d'objets, sur une base neutre et dans un esprit bohème, facile à faire évoluer dans le temps. Et c'est ainsi qu'elle a pu adapter son intérieur à l'agrandissement de sa famille depuis l'arrivée de ses deux enfants. Photo : Magali Saberian
Apartment in neutral tones and recycling in Argentina
Virginia, creator of Aires de Bohemia website, has applied the principles of recycling furniture and object to her home, on a neutral basis and in a bohemian spirit, easy to adapt to change over time. And this is how she has been able to update her interior to the expansion of her family since the arrival of her two children. Photo: Magali Saberian
Source : La Nacion
Apartment in neutral tones and recycling in Argentina
Virginia, creator of Aires de Bohemia website, has applied the principles of recycling furniture and object to her home, on a neutral basis and in a bohemian spirit, easy to adapt to change over time. And this is how she has been able to update her interior to the expansion of her family since the arrival of her two children. Photo: Magali Saberian
Source : La Nacion