Sébastien Robert est un spécialiste du Home Staging, et de nombreux propriétaires font appel à lui pour valoriser leur bien en vente ne trouvant pas preneur. Il a eu l'occasion de s'occuper de cet appartement de 70m² de 1975, qui était en agence depuis 8 mois. Le rendre plus moderne et attirant a été à la base de son travail, et un style ethnique chic a été choisi pour plaire au plus grand nombre.

Home Staging is a good way to enhance the value of an apartment for sale
Sébastien Robert is a specialist in Home Staging, and many owners call on him to add value to their property for sale if they cannot find a buyer. He had the opportunity to take care of this 70m² apartment from 1975, which had been in an agency for 8 months. Making it more modern and attractive was the basis of his work, and a chic ethnic style was chosen to appeal to as many people as possible.





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