Un studio en couleurs pour se réveiller de bonne humeur
Si ce studio suédois n'a pas de volumes exceptionnels, il n'en présente pas moins un intérêt certain grâce au choix des couleurs qui a été fait pour sa décoration. Murs roses ou bruns, plaid bleu, coussins multicolores donnent un résultat joyeux, idéal pour se réveiller de bonne humeur sur la mezzanine, un peu trop près du plafond toutefois à mon goût.
Colourful studio to wake up in a good mood
If this Swedish studio does not have exceptional volumes, it is nevertheless of great interest thanks to the choice of colours that have been made for its decoration. Pink or brown walls, blue plaid, multicoloured cushions give a joyful result, ideal to wake up in a good mood on the mezzanine, a little too close to the ceiling however for my taste.
Colourful studio to wake up in a good mood
If this Swedish studio does not have exceptional volumes, it is nevertheless of great interest thanks to the choice of colours that have been made for its decoration. Pink or brown walls, blue plaid, multicoloured cushions give a joyful result, ideal to wake up in a good mood on the mezzanine, a little too close to the ceiling however for my taste.