Pourquoi je n'aime pas la nouvelle collection Ikea en collaboration avec Virgil Abloh
Virgil Abloh est certainement un des créateurs de mode les plus recherchés du moment et directeur artistique chez Louis Vuitton. Il signe en collaboration avec Ikea, une collection capsule appelée Markerad, d'un design plutôt séduisant. Quelques pièces abordables et désirables pour beaucoup d'entre vous. Pourquoi alors je n'aime pas cette collection? Ikea n'en ait pas à sa première opération capsule, et je me rappelle il y a quelques années d'avoir fait le pied de grue devant leur devanture en attendant l'ouverture pour ne pas manquer quelques jolis objets, ou meubles édités en petite quantité. Mais là, on passe à un autre niveau...Vous désirez acquérir une des pièces créées? Espérons pour vous que vous avez de la chance au jeu ! Car oui, un tirage au sort auquel il faudra s'inscrire aura lieu entre le 1er et le 6 novembre prochain, et désignera les "happy few", qui pourront posséder un de ces Graal! Pour ensuite éventuellement les revendre très cher aux enchères sur Internet? De qui se moque t-on? Est-ce là digne d'une enseigne sérieuse? Est-ce éthique? Je dis non, ça sera sans moi, pour peu que quelque chose m'eut plu dans cette collection. Je vous appelle à faire de même...si vous le désirez bien entendu ! Voilà pourquoi je n'aime pas la nouvelle collection capsule Ikea même si elle est plutôt sympathique (enfin elle ne serait pas signée Virgil Abloh, on ne l'aurait pas deviné, je suis désolée de vous le dire Monsieur Ikea...). Je trouve ce procédé absolument détestable.
Why I don't like the new Ikea collection in collaboration with Virgil Abloh
Virgil Abloh is certainly one of the most sought-after fashion designers of the moment and artistic director at Louis Vuitton. In collaboration with Ikea, he designed a capsule collection called Markerad, with a rather attractive design. Some affordable and desirable items for many of you. Why then do I not like this collection? Ikea doesn't have any in its first capsule operation, and I remember a few years ago having wait in front of their front door while they opened so as not to miss a few pretty objects, or furniture edited in small quantities. But now we move on to another level... You want to acquire one of the items created? Let's hope for you that you're lucky at the game! Because yes, a lottery for which it will be necessary to register will take place between November 1st and 6th, and will designate the "happy few", who may own one of these Grails! And then possibly resell them at an expensive auction on the Internet? Who are we kidding? Is this worthy of a serious brand? Is it ethical? I say no, it will be without me, as long as I like something in this collection. I call on you to do the same....if you wish to do so, of course! That's why I don't like the new Ikea capsule collection even if it's rather nice (well, it wouldn't be signed Virgil Abloh, we wouldn't have guessed it, I'm sorry to tell you Mr Ikea...). I find this process absolutely disgusting.
Why I don't like the new Ikea collection in collaboration with Virgil Abloh
Virgil Abloh is certainly one of the most sought-after fashion designers of the moment and artistic director at Louis Vuitton. In collaboration with Ikea, he designed a capsule collection called Markerad, with a rather attractive design. Some affordable and desirable items for many of you. Why then do I not like this collection? Ikea doesn't have any in its first capsule operation, and I remember a few years ago having wait in front of their front door while they opened so as not to miss a few pretty objects, or furniture edited in small quantities. But now we move on to another level... You want to acquire one of the items created? Let's hope for you that you're lucky at the game! Because yes, a lottery for which it will be necessary to register will take place between November 1st and 6th, and will designate the "happy few", who may own one of these Grails! And then possibly resell them at an expensive auction on the Internet? Who are we kidding? Is this worthy of a serious brand? Is it ethical? I say no, it will be without me, as long as I like something in this collection. I call on you to do the same....if you wish to do so, of course! That's why I don't like the new Ikea capsule collection even if it's rather nice (well, it wouldn't be signed Virgil Abloh, we wouldn't have guessed it, I'm sorry to tell you Mr Ikea...). I find this process absolutely disgusting.