Comment moderniser un meuble avec du papier-peint (sans le dénaturer)?
On a parfois récupéré un meuble de famille, un peu abîmé, mais que pour une raison ou une autre (souvent sentimentale), on souhaite conserver. Seulement voilà, bien souvent, il détonne dans notre décoration. Une des solutions à retenir pour le moderniser sans le dénaturer est sans doute de le couvrir d'un joli papier-peint comme ici. Vous pourrez même le changer de temps à autre pour suivre l'évolution de votre décoration. Vous pouvez également peindre votre meuble, mais si le bois est joli, ça serait dommage non?
How to modernize a piece of furniture with wallpaper (without distorting it)?
Sometimes we have recovered a family piece of furniture, a little damaged, but for one reason or another (often sentimental), we want to keep it. But here it is, very often, it is quite different in our decoration. One of the solutions to modernize it without altering it is undoubtedly to cover it with a pretty wallpaper as here. You can even change it from time to time to follow the evolution of your decoration. You can also paint your furniture, but if the wood is pretty, it would be a shame, wouldn't it?

How to modernize a piece of furniture with wallpaper (without distorting it)?
Sometimes we have recovered a family piece of furniture, a little damaged, but for one reason or another (often sentimental), we want to keep it. But here it is, very often, it is quite different in our decoration. One of the solutions to modernize it without altering it is undoubtedly to cover it with a pretty wallpaper as here. You can even change it from time to time to follow the evolution of your decoration. You can also paint your furniture, but if the wood is pretty, it would be a shame, wouldn't it?
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