Un loft pour un amoureux (ou une amoureuse) des livres
Situé à Manhattan, dans le quartier de Nolita, ce loft en duplex immaculé possède une bibliothèque de 4,5 mètres de hauteur, où les derniers ouvrages sont accessibles grâce à une échelle. Pas de quoi décourager un amoureux ou une amoureuse des livres, qui verra là l'opportunité de pouvoir enfin ranger toute ses découvertes littéraires, déjà lues ou à lire. Installé dans l'ancien bâtiment de la police du quartier, il a le charme des volumes atypiques bien aménagés.
Loft for a lover of books
Located in Manhattan's Nolita neighborhood, this immaculate duplex loft has a 4.5-meter high library where the latest books are accessible through a ladder. No reason to discourage a lover of books, who will see this as an opportunity to finally put away all his literary discoveries, already read or to be read. Installed in the former police building of the district, it has the charm of atypical volumes well designed.
Loft for a lover of books
Located in Manhattan's Nolita neighborhood, this immaculate duplex loft has a 4.5-meter high library where the latest books are accessible through a ladder. No reason to discourage a lover of books, who will see this as an opportunity to finally put away all his literary discoveries, already read or to be read. Installed in the former police building of the district, it has the charm of atypical volumes well designed.