Comment avoir une cuisine Ikea originale grâce aux façades personnalisées ?
Beaucoup d'entre nous possèdent une cuisine Ikea, grâce à leur prix plutôt abordable. L'outil de conception permet non seulement de faire son plan mais également de connaître le coût de revient de son projet, et les caissons Metod très modulables peuvent convenir à pratiquement n'importe quelle configuration. On peut toutefois ne pas vouloir avoir la cuisine Ikea de son voisin ou son tonton, et choisir des façades personnalisées est une des solutions pour avoir une cuisine différente des autres. Je me suis intéressée aux façades fabriquées par Koak Design, une entreprise néerlandaise qui a développé sa propre gamme d'habillage pour les caissons Metod, et les envoie dans toute l'Europe. Ils ont déjà fourni des produits en France, Italie, Allemagne, Espagne, Danemark et même aux USA et aident leurs clients à affiner les plans de leur cuisine si nécessaire. La gamme va du pur design au style plus bohème ou campagnard. Point non négligeable les façades sont fabriquées en matériaux durables, dans leur propre atelier de meubles en chêne massif, bambou, ou noyer. Elles sont traitées avec une huile pour les colorer et les protéger de l'eau et des taches. Et si vous aimez le concept, il s'applique également au mobilier de salle de bain Godmorgon et aux célèbres armoires Pax d'Ikea. Bref, de quoi vous faire un mobilier unique. Je vous invite à découvrir leur site en cliquant sur ce lien.
How to have an original Ikea kitchen thanks to customized fronts?
Many of us own an Ikea kitchen, thanks to its rather affordable price. The design tool not only allows you to make your own plan but also to know the cost of your project, and the highly modular Metod cabinets can fit almost any configuration. However, you may not want to have your neighbour's or uncle's Ikea kitchen, and choosing custom fronts is one way to have a kitchen that's different from the others. I was interested in the fronts made by Koak Design, a Dutch company that has developed its own range of cabinetry for Metod cabinets and sends them all over Europe. They have already supplied products to France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Denmark and even the USA and help their customers to refine their kitchen plans if necessary. The range goes from pure design to more bohemian or country style. Last but not least, the fronts are made of sustainable materials, in their own furniture workshop in solid oak, bamboo or walnut. They are treated with an oil to colour them and protect them from water and stains. And if you like the concept, it also applies to Godmorgon bathroom furniture and Ikea's famous Pax cabinets. In short, a unique piece of furniture. I invite you to discover their site by clicking on this link.

How to have an original Ikea kitchen thanks to customized fronts?
Many of us own an Ikea kitchen, thanks to its rather affordable price. The design tool not only allows you to make your own plan but also to know the cost of your project, and the highly modular Metod cabinets can fit almost any configuration. However, you may not want to have your neighbour's or uncle's Ikea kitchen, and choosing custom fronts is one way to have a kitchen that's different from the others. I was interested in the fronts made by Koak Design, a Dutch company that has developed its own range of cabinetry for Metod cabinets and sends them all over Europe. They have already supplied products to France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Denmark and even the USA and help their customers to refine their kitchen plans if necessary. The range goes from pure design to more bohemian or country style. Last but not least, the fronts are made of sustainable materials, in their own furniture workshop in solid oak, bamboo or walnut. They are treated with an oil to colour them and protect them from water and stains. And if you like the concept, it also applies to Godmorgon bathroom furniture and Ikea's famous Pax cabinets. In short, a unique piece of furniture. I invite you to discover their site by clicking on this link.
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