Cuisine et chambre ouvertes pour un deux-pièces de 37m2
Cet appartement de deux-pièces de 37m² propose un plan exemplaire afin de sauvegarder l'impression d'espace dans une petite surface : la cuisine est ouverte sur le salon, et la chambre n'est que semi-fermée ce qui permet à l'oeil de s'échapper vers la fenêtre qui l'illumine. La décoration est sobre et stylée, faite de bois et de gris, de meubles design et classiques. Une totale réussite d'aménagement et de décoration !
Open kitchen and bedroom for a 37m2 one-bedroom apartment
This one-bedroom apartment of 37m² offers an exemplary plan in order to preserve the impression of space in a small area: the kitchen is open to the living room, and the bedroom is only semi-closed which allows the eye to escape to the window which illuminates it. The decoration is sober and stylish, made of wood and grey, design and classic furniture. A total success of layout and decoration!

Open kitchen and bedroom for a 37m2 one-bedroom apartment
This one-bedroom apartment of 37m² offers an exemplary plan in order to preserve the impression of space in a small area: the kitchen is open to the living room, and the bedroom is only semi-closed which allows the eye to escape to the window which illuminates it. The decoration is sober and stylish, made of wood and grey, design and classic furniture. A total success of layout and decoration!
Shop the look !

