Cuisine semi-ouverte dans un appartement aux tons chauds
Cet appartement suédois présente deux éléments intéressants : une cuisine semi-ouverte, idéale pour ceux qui n'arrivent pas à se décider entre les deux options, car elle cache ce que l'on ne veut pas voir depuis le salon, sans toutefois vous isoler des gens, et une décoration en tons chauds, déclinés en tons d'ocre rouge et de bordeaux, qui lui donnent un style chaleureux.
Semi-open kitchen in an apartment with warm tones
This Swedish apartment features two interesting elements: a semi-open kitchen, ideal for those who can't decide between the two options, as it hides what you don't want to see from the living room, without isolating you from people, and a decoration in warm tones of red ochre and burgundy, which give it a warm style.

Semi-open kitchen in an apartment with warm tones
This Swedish apartment features two interesting elements: a semi-open kitchen, ideal for those who can't decide between the two options, as it hides what you don't want to see from the living room, without isolating you from people, and a decoration in warm tones of red ochre and burgundy, which give it a warm style.
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