Cuisine ouverte et jardin privatif pour un appartement au style contemporain
L'extérieur de ce bâtiment du sud de Londres ne laisse pas deviner ce que l'on va trouver à l'intérieur : un appartement de trois-pièces à la décoration naturelle, à la cuisine ouverte et bénéficiant d'un jardin, qui exhale un charme bucolique. S'il n'est pas très grand avec ses 67m², il semble très confortable tout de même grâce à une parfaite exploitation du plan (à regarder ici), et à l'utilisation d'une gamme chromatique sobre, qui utilise le blanc et le vert. Le bois vient compléter le tableau de ce petit appartement citadin à l'environnement verdoyant présenté par The Modern House.
Open kitchen and private garden for a contemporary style apartment
The exterior of this building in South London does not let you guess what you will find inside: a two-bedroom apartment with a natural decoration, an open kitchen and a garden, which exudes a bucolic charm. If it is not very big with its 67m², it seems very comfortable all the same thanks to a perfect exploitation of the plan (look here), and to the use of a sober chromatic range, which uses white and green. Wood comes to complete the look of this small city apartment with a green environment presented by The Modern House.
Open kitchen and private garden for a contemporary style apartment
The exterior of this building in South London does not let you guess what you will find inside: a two-bedroom apartment with a natural decoration, an open kitchen and a garden, which exudes a bucolic charm. If it is not very big with its 67m², it seems very comfortable all the same thanks to a perfect exploitation of the plan (look here), and to the use of a sober chromatic range, which uses white and green. Wood comes to complete the look of this small city apartment with a green environment presented by The Modern House.