Décoration Japandi dans une maison design en bois en Islande
Cette maison en bois design en Islande, une grange nordique et moderne, est décorée dans un style Japandi, qui mêle les influences japonaises au design scandinave. Rut Káradóttir, architecte d'intérieur de Reykjavík et son mari en ont fait leur maison de vacances (vous pouvez la louer en cliquant sur ce lien), un espace de 105m² construit dans un petit village islandais où vivent seulement 450 personnes .
Japandi decoration in a wooden design house in Iceland
This designer wooden house in Iceland, a modern Nordic barn, is decorated in a Japandi style, which mixes Japanese influences with Scandinavian design. Rut Káradóttir, interior designer from Reykjavík and her husband have made it their holiday home (you can rent it by clicking on this link), a 105m² space built in a small Icelandic village where only 450 people live .
Japandi decoration in a wooden design house in Iceland
This designer wooden house in Iceland, a modern Nordic barn, is decorated in a Japandi style, which mixes Japanese influences with Scandinavian design. Rut Káradóttir, interior designer from Reykjavík and her husband have made it their holiday home (you can rent it by clicking on this link), a 105m² space built in a small Icelandic village where only 450 people live .