Une décoration rustique et raffinée près de l'Hudson River
This Old Hudson qui se situe près de la rivière Hudson est une maison proposée à la location courte durée (cliquez sur ce lien pour découvrir comment) qui est un lieu pas comme les autres. Son propriétaire Anthony D'Argenzio, est le fondateur de l'agence Zio & Sons à New York, spécialisée dans la décoraiton d'intérieurs à forte personnalité avec un budget limité. Avec sa femme, Hillary D'Argenzio, ils ont acheté cette maison construite en 1910 et l'ont décorée avec du mobilier vintage et patiné, qui lui donnent une allure unique. Photo : Martyn Thompson
Rustic and refined decoration near the Hudson River
This Old Hudson which is located near the Hudson River is a house offered for short term rental (click on this link to find out how) which is a place like no other. Its owner, Anthony D'Argenzio, is the founder of Zio & Sons in New York, which specialises in decorating interiors with a strong personality and a limited budget. Together with his wife, Hillary D'Argenzio, they bought this house built in 1910 and decorated it with vintage and patinated furniture, which gives it a unique look. Photo: Martyn Thompson

Rustic and refined decoration near the Hudson River
This Old Hudson which is located near the Hudson River is a house offered for short term rental (click on this link to find out how) which is a place like no other. Its owner, Anthony D'Argenzio, is the founder of Zio & Sons in New York, which specialises in decorating interiors with a strong personality and a limited budget. Together with his wife, Hillary D'Argenzio, they bought this house built in 1910 and decorated it with vintage and patinated furniture, which gives it a unique look. Photo: Martyn Thompson
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