Cuisine ouverte pour un appartement rénové en Suède
Adopter une cuisine ouverte est souvent le moyen le plus simple pour agrandir son salon, surtout lorsqu'on habite dans un petit appartement. Si celui-ci situé en Suède est d'une taille correcte pour un deux-pièces (on reconnait là les volumes anciens, bien plus généreux que ceux de nos appartements actuels), avoir ouvert la cuisine sur le séjour lui donne non seulement une allure contemporaine, mais également un volume intéressant pour une petite surface. Le bleu vert profond des murs, très dans l'air du temps, ajoute sa touche d'originalité à cet appartement à la fois classique et design.
Open kitchen for a renovated flat in Sweden
Adopting an open kitchen is often the easiest way to enlarge your living room, especially if you live in a small flat. While this one in Sweden is the right size for a one-bedroom flat ( we recognize here the ancient volumes, much more generous than those of our modern flats), having opened the kitchen to the living room gives it not only a contemporary look, but also an interesting volume for a small surface area. The deep blue green walls, very much in the spirit of the times, add a touch of originality to this flat which is both classic and design.
Open kitchen for a renovated flat in Sweden
Adopting an open kitchen is often the easiest way to enlarge your living room, especially if you live in a small flat. While this one in Sweden is the right size for a one-bedroom flat ( we recognize here the ancient volumes, much more generous than those of our modern flats), having opened the kitchen to the living room gives it not only a contemporary look, but also an interesting volume for a small surface area. The deep blue green walls, very much in the spirit of the times, add a touch of originality to this flat which is both classic and design.